A review by wilko
Then There Was You by H.L. Nighbor, Heather Lyn, Freya Barker, Evan Grace, Anna Brooks, Angel Devlin, Kally Ash, Alex Grayson, Lauren Dawes, Kathy Coopmans, L.A. Cotton, Gianna Gabriela, Esther E. Schmidt, Dani René


This is a fantastic collection where you will find sweet stories, heartbreaking stories and somewhere in the middle stores which means there is something for everyone.
My favorites were:
Where Hope Ends (Life Begins) by Freya Barker
Firstly get the tissues ready you gonna need them as this really is a story that will break your heart and mend it at the same time.❤ Mika sustains a tragic and drawn out loss that almost breaks her and Jude gets a second with his daughter and fate decides to make them keep bumping into each other. You can feel the struggles Mika has and how torn she is about being around Jude and Kelty while trying to pull herself together and how Jude wants more but doesn't know how deal with it.

Boss of Me by Angel Devin
Be ready to laugh! Pippa has sass and doesn't fall for pretty boys or take any sh$t so Jude's Mum Anna decides to keep her husband sane and help Jude's career get back to where it needs to be after some serious issues with PA's. Jude and Pippa are fiery and confused by the feelings they have for each other but are also torn by their past and current issues so we are left on tender hooks to see what will happen ..oh and Anna is one cool lady I would love to meet!

Merged review:

This is a fantastic collection where you will find sweet stories, heartbreaking stories and somewhere in the middle stores which means there is something for everyone.
My favorites were:
Where Hope Ends (Life Begins) by Freya Barker
Firstly get the tissues ready you gonna need them as this really is a story that will break your heart and mend it at the same time.❤ Mika sustains a tragic and drawn out loss that almost breaks her and Jude gets a second with his daughter and fate decides to make them keep bumping into each other. You can feel the struggles Mika has and how torn she is about being around Jude and Kelty while trying to pull herself together and how Jude wants more but doesn't know how deal with it.

Boss of Me by Angel Devin
Be ready to laugh! Pippa has sass and doesn't fall for pretty boys or take any sh$t so Jude's Mum Anna decides to keep her husband sane and help Jude's career get back to where it needs to be after some serious issues with PA's. Jude and Pippa are fiery and confused by the feelings they have for each other but are also torn by their past and current issues so we are left on tender hooks to see what will happen ..oh and Anna is one cool lady I would love to meet!