A review by ame_hadders
House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas


2021: 3.75 stars
2024: 4.25 stars

When I originally read this back in 2021 i rated it a bit lower because back then I didn’t know this was more of a mystery-fantasy, which caught me kind of off guard. Also in 2021 the smut and sexually explicit comments and descriptions really bothered me. Now I know that smut isn’t really my thing so whenever there is smut or certain comments being made regarding sex I just read over it and ignore it.

I had an absolutely wonderful time re-reading this book. I had forgotten how much I enjoy SJM’s writing. Are her books literary masterpieces? No. But are they filled with action and hella entertaining? Yes. I’m so excited for the second and third book!! (Even though I have been spoiled for House of Sky and Breath