A review by kdurham2
Moan: Anonymous Essays on Female Orgasm by Emma Koenig


This book is a little out of left field for me and is outside of my wheelhouse, but every so often I like to try something different and take myself outside the comfort zone.

First a non fiction book is not my normal read. Second a book with essays is not my usual. Third a book about female orgasms is definitely not something I read about often.

I loved the essay format for this one. They didn't need to be long in length to get what the author of each essay was getting at and there were a few where I was glad it was short because I couldn't connect or didn't care about that author's viewpoints. On the flip side there were a few that hit right home for me and really made me think about my childhood, my teenage and college years and my current self. This book made me reflect!

I am glad I didn't read this all in one sitting; instead I read a few here and there and had this book as my break in between other books or even in the middle of reading a few books that were difficult. I wouldn't mind finding another book like this that I can dip in and out of and not feel as though I was going to miss a plot point or significant moment.