A review by rahels_library
Viking Quest by Edale Lane


thank you to BookSirens and Edale Lane for this ARC

in this book, Lena, a viking warrior, has to go on a journey to find a healer for her king. all that soon after her husband is murdered and while the murderer grows his influence inside her city and home.
on the journey she encounters many dangers: catastrophes, sea serpents and enemies from within and without
but there are also a lot of lights like: companionships, discoveries and different cultures

first I want to state that this book has all the potential to be a 4
it has a gripping storyline and interesting characters

the thing is that it feels like it isn‘t the final version yet so a couple of times while reading I encountered things that felt weird like having the wrong order with little parts or weird word choices
sometimes i really wished for more NOW input and showing how the characters are feeling instead of telling it later

but now onto the good things
the plot was original and took interesting turns on typical tropes
the love story was great, I appreciated the slow-burn and Lena‘s decision towards the end (I cried but in a good way)

the thing I loved the most was the discussion of religion and what it means to different people. for discourse: it is the 11th century so Lena and lots of other vikings have converted to christianity but there‘s Lena‘s friend, Caspian, who‘s a muslim and another warrior who still believes in the old gods.
there is a lot of conflict between the vikings who converted and the ones still on the old path. I loved how the discussed their beliefs in a very peaceful manner while there was a lot of potential for conflict. this was the first time I have seen christianity represented in the way I follow it and not the „your beliefs are wrong and you‘ll go to hell“-type. as far as I know the muslim and pagan representation was also very good but since I do not follow these religions, I don‘t think I‘m the best informed person out there.
still, the author seemed to have lots of informations on the three religions and also represented the reasons for believing very well

after a few more corrections and rewritings of certain things through the whole publishing process, I believe this book has deserved success and I already want to thank the author because I know how hard it can be to write your own book and I‘m thankful that you had the courage to finish yours!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.