A review by see_sadie_read
The Ghost and the Graveyard by Genevieve Jack


I really quite enjoyed this book. That's despite it being told in the first person present tense, which I generally hate and involving both a love triangle and insta-lust, which usually drive me crazy. The book somehow managed to overcome all of its handicaps and provide an enjoyable read. And it did it with surprising ease.

The magic irritation-nullifying ingredient? Humour. The Ghost and the Graveyard is funny. Yes, yes it's hot and steamy too, but that wouldn't have been enough to overcome my dislike for the parts that make up its whole. I needed Grateful's quick wit and sarcastic internal monologue for that. She's a great heroine. She manages to stay strong and sure of her own sense of self in the face of some fairly severe identity shake-ups. She might have gone weak at the knees in the face of Rick and his awesome sex appeal, but she was never weak-willed. I respected that.

Rick was a surprisingly complex hero. He was simultaneously strong and fragile, loyal and of a little untrustworthy. I'm sure (in my own imaginings) that there will be a lot more to him and his backstory in the future books. I liked Lucas too. He was like a lost puppy, but I was a little tired of his whinging by the end of the book.

I was a bit disappointed that the book didn't quite wrap up by the end. Don't get me wrong it ended OK, but only one small part of the larger whole was solved. There were a lot of loose threads about. I'm always left wanting when that is the case. It's a shame the next book isn't out yet.