A review by geo_ix
Two Roads by Lili St. Germain


Yeah spoliers.

Don't fucking care right now.


Why the FUCK, did no one mention to me, that this book involved a fucking stillbirth?

If I had have known that, I literally would not have read it. Okay, maybe I would, but I wouldn't have read it when my partner was in the house. No sir.

For those who don't know me, 2013 was the year, that I was pregnant with and lost my first child at nearly 22 weeks. Unlike Julez, I didn't bleed, or cramp. I just got a fever, and vomited constantly. I didn't go into labour naturally, I spent all day waiting, my partner slept in the room with me, my first time in hospital. I couldn't sleep until they drugged me. I didn't cry. I was just waiting, it didn't feel real. I woke up and said the same thing Julez did, that I thought I needed to push. I still remember the look on his face when we were told we lost it, and when I finally pushed. He cried, I couldn't. I did when we found out, and I had to call people, but for some reason I shut down. People thought I was crazy. I switched off, I blamed myself for not realising I was much sicker than I should have been. I pulled away from my partner before I realised he was hurting too, but that he wasn't just hurting from losing mason, but me. If I wasn't holding my new baby boy reading this, I probably would have not stopped crying. It's hard to accept that kind of loss, when no one gives you a definitive answer as to why because they don't know, you make up everything in your head. You become your worst enemy.

I think Dornan is in a lot of trouble right now, if someone else was the reason for me losing my first son, I wouldn't care the consequence, I'm not a violent person, but they'd be dead when I saw them before their heart beat the second time.