A review by helenafaustina
Pharaoh's Ticks by Kenneth J. Stein


Another exciting thriller by [a:Kenneth J. Stein|19974389|Kenneth J. Stein|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1580256468p2/19974389.jpg]! If you want to read a book where your jaw drops multiple times, pick up [b:Pharaoh's Ticks|61266009|Pharaoh's Ticks|Kenneth J. Stein|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1655281149l/61266009._SY75_.jpg|96599685]! This intriguing and fast-paced novel begins with a mystery and leaves your eyes glued to the pages through the whole book. Want to travel? The story takes you to many countries. Not only do you feel as if you are in the place, but with the characters as well. This novel makes you think, as the author usually does. Read this for a five star read in 2022!