A review by patsonfire
The Turtle Boy by Kealan Patrick Burke


«The living have enough to worry about these days without the dead coming back to complicate things.»

Classes are over, and Timmy and his best friend Pete have a whole summer ahead to explore. After wandering and wondering about what they would do, one day, they end up in the Myers Pond, a pond whose rumors say is filled with huge mortal turtles that live in the bottom. There, they meet a boy with a scary appearance who'll change everything for them.

The Turtle Boy was a thrilling novella that quickly gripped me. I found Burke's writing simple, enthralling and good, I got immediately attached to Timmy and his way of seeing the world, and the characters were convincing.
The pace of the story felt natural, and I loved how it lead to great tense, atmospheric and creepy moments.

There was some background story about the town and the characters that aroused me some questions, but a few of them were left unanswered, which even though created some mystery, I wasn't really a fan of that. Maybe I'll know more in the next books of the series, which I definitely want to read because this one was awesome!