A review by amynoncsi
The Eve Illusion by Giovanna Fletcher, Tom Fletcher


The Eve Illusion literally picks up from where Eve of Man have left off, and I mean from the exact same scene. I think it is a good thing; if you read the book a year or maybe 2 years ago, however, I literally just finished Eve of Man and has ordered book 2 the same minute. A big thank you for Waterstones’ quick delivery only took 3-4 days before I had book 2 between my hands and could carry on reading the story to my BF.

Writing Style:
I really enjoyed the writing style, it was easy to follow and was enjoyable.
Did I mention the letter sizes? Oh my god, they were just the right size. It still felt that the pages were used for their full capacity, without jamming them all. At the same time it was breezy and quick to read.
Please tell me I am not the only one who has a thing for letter sizing in books.

The world continues to be built upon the world we live in and is knows to us, however, after a pandemic where humans have pretty much destroyed Mother Earth.
Based in London and it was quite the fun to guess the locations and see if we can get them right.

We continue to have our two main protagonists, however, in book 2 we have an extra POV. I guess it was helpful to include someone from the Dome, so we can keep on tract of what is happening in there, while Eve and Bram’s POV were based in the outside world.

I enjoyed getting to know Michael, whom is our extra POV and following his character development. I enjoyed, how, difficult it was or him to decide which side he is supporting and what are his real priorities. Even after we knew his choice, how he was forced into situations that he did not support, however, at the time he had to go along with these.

I didn’t feel like Bram had a lot of character developments or changes. I guess he did went through quite a lot in book 1 and it was just a continuations of that.

On the other hand, Eve’s character went through a lot more in a way. She is now in a new world and is trying to find her way. They are telling her that she is the savior, which is not a small responsibility. They are telling her that now she is free, however, she feels just as trapped. Therefore, she decides to take things in her own hands and to became the person she needs and wants to be.
I guess at first I didn’t like this new Eve.
I loved it that she was becoming this strong character who knows what she wants and does not let anyone boss her around, however, at the same time, she was just rescued from the dome and pretty much not even a day passed and she is bossing people around and I felt a bit that she was a slightly careless with the lives of the people whom saved her. However, this has quickly changed as we read more into the book and got to know her better.

Plots and Twists:
So, one of the plot that involves our two baddies we have figured out in book 1, therefore, this was not such a big surprise for us, nevertheless the build up and the story leading to it was flawless.

There was another plot twist that we get to know at the very last page of the book and I mean literally on the last page of the book, which again I predicted but was a huge OMG moment to my BF.

I loved how this book was darker and how it questions morale in a way. That people are doing the the things they think would be best for the world and the next generation but at what cost.

All together it was a really good read and had only a couple of flaws.
If you like dystopia, adventure and sci-fi books I thinks this would be straight up your valley and worth giving it a try.
Even if you are new to sci-fi and post-apocalyptic genre, because the writing style is easy to read and is not full of confusing big terms they often use in fantasy, I think it could be a very nice gentle ease into the genre.