A review by meigothic
When Grumpy Met Sunshine by Charlotte Stein


Disclaimer: I received a review copy for free via Netgalley, and am voluntarily leaving my honest thoughts. Thanks to St. Martin Press for the opportunity!

The writing style unfortunately irked me so much with how it took so long for things to be expressed to the reader and it was in a cadence that felt like the thought was just a run-on sentence for many pages at a time. I couldn't connect with this because the writing was so distracting and also the banter didn't work for me. The characters were fun at times and were semi-representative of the grumpy and sunshine, but it felt a little forced at times. There were a couple moments between the two that were nice, but the humor didn't work for me and I feel like the first half of the book didn't work for me to the point that the rest of the build-up never really pulled me in. I do like that he defended her honor and they connected over writing, but that's mostly it.

My favorite parts of the writing were actually the fake articles and tweets, etc. which is unfortunate, but they did add great flavor.