A review by kacey
Batman: Contagion by Chuck Dixon


A better story than I was expecting, given the less than stellar reviews on its page. Granted, I was predominately reading this story for Tim Drake and less for the apocalyptic-level plague taking place, so maybe my view is a little skewed. Still not the greatest Batman title I've ever read, but not as bad as I was expecting it to be.
I wasn't sold on how much of a crossover this story was; I get crossing it between Robin and the Batman titles, even Catwoman, but Azrael seems like overkill for a crossover. Still, now that it's possible to find all in one place, I probably shouldn't bother complaining about that aspect. The constant shifting of art styles was a little weird to get used to though.

I realize that I'll be applying real-world logic to a universe where a man's parents were gunned down in front of him as a child and he decided that the only reasonable response to dress like a bat to scare baddies for his adult life, but I just cannot get my head around the fact that all of the heroes decided to run around Gotham in the middle of a viral outbreak without anything to block the disease. It's a miracle that only Robin takes a hit. But even after that, most of the heroes don't even bother to put on a medical mask before getting back out there. I mean really. The set up emphasized how terrifyingly easy this virus is to catch, you'd expect that the heroes would have more sense than to just run amok in a bunch of dying people without taking any kind of precautions.
I mean Holy Black Plague, Batman! A little common sense should go a long way.

Also, the whole 'faxing the cure to Gotham while Azrael goes barricade jumping to hand deliver it' thing was probably a lot funnier to me than it should have been, probably because I didn't see it coming at all. But yeah, that was just funny.