A review by paperbacks_and_planners
Angels' Flight by Nalini Singh


3.5⭐ Overall

Full transparency, I don't normally like short stories. So take my ratings with a grain of salt. I like the idea of short stories, but I find they tend to move too quickly for my taste. Which is definitely a me thing and not the books thing.

1. Angels' Dance ⭐ ⭐ ⭐.5
This is Jessamy and Galen's romance and overall I thought this was sweet. I will say in general I didn't care that much about these side characters. There are definitely side characters I'm itching to get a book about (cough Illium cough). But Galen wasn't really high on the list. This was still super cute and by the end I was buying into their love story.

2. Angels' Judgement ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
I loved Sara and Deacon's story! I will say this is one of the examples of the plot/romance moving too quickly for me. But I still ship these 2 so hard. I love me a strong, BA female heroine and Sara is definitely that. And I love how Deacon supporting the hell out of her. It was good stuff.

3. Angels' Pawn ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
I think this one was my favorite. Which is crazy - because there was not a single steamy scene. I don't even recognize myself anymore... This followed Ashwini and Janvier and their shenanigans in the bayou. The sexual tension between these two had me physically sweating. I need a dozen more stories about characters. And they need to kiss. Or I might explode.

4. Angels' Wolf ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Ugh this was really disappointing actually. This is Noel and Nimra's romance and honestly when I started this, I didn't recognize either character. Definitely took me a few pages to place them. But this one actually started off really strong for me - I loved the slow build and watching them open up to each other. But the timing was just off for me. The build up was slow, but the transition was so fast you could have missed it if you blinked. One second they're friends and the next Noel is full alpha male, I'm gonna kill that angel for looking at you. I just never really bought into their feelings, so overall, meh.