A review by illyanadallas222
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas


Alright, this book was an example of why I am not a YA enthusiast XD
Ok, cynicism aside, I would rate this book 3 stars, ONLY because it was a product of its time (re Katniss’ self centerenedness and apathy towards anything nice XD) and the fact that this was Sarah J. Maas’s first debut novel AND that the target audience is very. very. very. young. Which is beguiling because her other ‘YA novels’ are so NOT NOT YA, very adult fantasy. So hm. It did feel a bit demoralising I must admit, going from reading the uniqueness and LUSH setting in ACOTAR to this novel. This novel compared to the first book in the ACOTAR series seems very superficial, but everybody and their cousin said to forgo the cliques and prejudices you might get while reading this novel and to pull through by book #3 where things start getting reaching ACOTAR- type of fantasy. That’s when the magic *pun intended* really picks up (coincidence that ACOTAR was written then, hence why I suspect the books start to pick up and change into more of what we know Sarah J. Maas to be rn?)

Ok rant over. Final Thoughts:
- Chaol is cool, but I ain’t too fond of him. Bit toooo 2 dimensional tho
- The Prince Dorian is cool too. Get more dainty vibes from him tho (lol maybe cause he’s a pampered prince?)
- I will say I was more interested in the murder happening behind the scenes then the Competition.
- Lukewarm Love triangle present, ain’t that just the way in YAs published circa 2012 amiright hahaha
- Biggest take aways rn as I start reading Crown of Midnight (Book 2), is that Celaena, IS the world’s GREATEST assassin. And that she is very, very talented. And famous. She’s also really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, *EXHALE* really pretty. You know it cause she tells you. And everybody else tells you.