A review by staceyinthesticks
Cherry Beats by Vicki James


I feel like I've been waiting for this FOR-EVER but my god was it worth the wait! I think Presley West is my new favourite rock star. Even over (Jon) Bon fucking Jovi.

Everything about this story sucked me in. Main characters Tessa (aka Cherry), Presley, and even the unlikeable secondary characters - they all had a story and it was intriguing to find out what it was.

As usual from this author (or her pseudonym) the writing was seamless, flowed beautifully, and there were so many quotes I highlighted as she just knows how to write a wonderful story that makes you want to keep reading.

There was a great balance of angst, music, fallout, love and keeping you on your toes.

I'm hoping there might be stories from some of the secondary characters, hello Bourbon & Molly (!) and of course Rhett!

5 rockin' stars!