A review by teodora_paslaru
Glimmerglass by Jenna Black


It was really hard for me to rate this book. It had moments when I felt like I would give it 2 stars,but it also had moments when I felt like I would give it 4 stars... so I gave it 3...

My main problem with this book is that I disliked the main character. She seemed very stupid and had this thing that teens seem to have this days: she believed that she knew everything better and that her life experience had given her so much wiseness... I don't know exactly how to formulate this, but I guess it's not hard to understand. She was just the kind of girl that would make a perfect target of human trafficking in real world. She was so naive and she believed she knew everything better, even when she had made a lot of similar mistakes previously. I like to think that I was never like that and I can surely say that my sister (the same age with this girl) isn't. I know that a lot of girls are, but I don't even know if they can learn something from this girl experience. Well I still don't know how this series is going to end, so I can pronounce myself on this matter, but since I guess she will become very powerful in the end and end up with everything she just wanted, I don't even think that she would make a good role model.

The world the author created was interesting, and it had moments when it kept me reading, but it also had moments when it seem so hard to believe. For example, if someone would have the body temperature higher than normal, it would be more affected by the cold, not less. Also, a mountain in the middle of London is kind of hard to believe, since you already know it's nothing there. I would have liked to be able to imagine that everything would have been possible in the real world.

After I've written all this, I realised that this would be more of a two stars for me, but I'm not going to change my ratting because this book still had something interesting in it that made me think that at some point in the future I might be tempted to read the next book... or maybe not... I will see. I like stories with magic, but this is not the best one... Let's say that the 3 stars are because there were moments when I was interested on the way the story would progress, but I wouldn't have miss anything if I would have skipped this book....