A review by rosienreads
The Golden Torc by Julian May


The Golden Torc continues the journey of Group Green after their arrival in the Pliocene in The Many-Coloured Land. This time, however, the focus is on the second group who were taken to a different city and discovered a different side to the world they found. While this book included more of my favourite characters in the series, I do think it is also the weakest of the four, serving more as a stop-gap between the events of the first book and the events to come, to get characters into their positions. Even so, it was still a thoroughly enjoyable read as we see the characters discover their meta-psychic abilities, scheme and plot, and get used to the new reality they have found themselves in. The world-building in this series continues to astound and I am looking forward to continuing this re-read into the final two books of this series and then into the continuation series.