A review by littlefoot10
Two Good Dogs by Susan Wilson


First off I just want to say that I love this cover...the two puppies by the water just make me so happy. This book was for me a 3.25 out of 5 stars. I really enjoyed the aspects of reading from the dogs, I thought that was quite different and unique. The reason this book about animals (which everyone knows I love animals) isn't rated higher for me is because of the plot. The last like 2 chapters and epilogue were what I was basically waiting for the whole novel. I think there needed to be less about Adam going back and forth, and more about the murderer that was lurking in Cody's life. I really like the fact that this novel included a breed of dogs that don't have the best reputation and showed them in a new light probably for some people. I liked that this novel incorporated everyone's point of view (including Chances'), but in the beginning it was hard to find a voice for each character because you would read a paragraph or two from one character and then it would jump to someone else. Definitely an interesting read...and would definitely read something else written by this author.