A review by archipeligo
The Beauty, Volume 1 by Jason A. Hurley, Jeremy Haun


I read a lot of stuff. I can't keep story lines straight. Sometimes, I believe I went to Hogwarts. This summation will be chock-a-block filled with spoilers for this volume. Hopefully, I'll be able to untangle this story line in the future and keep everything straight.

A new STD is the hottest trend. People becomes incredibly beautiful afterwards, but, suddenly, begin dying (800 days?) afterwards. Two detectives work the case - one of who (the male) is infected with The Beauty when his wife is having an affair. The other (the woman) seems to be previously infected and hates it. They discover that more and more people have been dying of The Beauty. They meet with an anti-Beauty group who is creating a cure. Some crazy dude in a mask attacks them. The deputy director of the CDC agrees to help the group out, steals a flu virus, and mixes the antidote so the cure becomes contagious. One of the detectives agrees to test out the cure and she is left rather skeletal. Mexican mask guy attacks the anti-Beauty group, kills most, but is killed by female detective. Deputy director of the CDC is killed by Robeson (?) when she injects him with the cure. Anti-Beauty spreads out and moves to spread the cure.