A review by ktaylor1164
In Like Flynn by Rhys Bowen


I have to copy (and credit) another reviewer, Waverly, for this perfect summation of my own feelings about the Daniel angst this far:

"The drumbeat message of 'you're a woman, you can't do that, and I forbid you to do so' is played heavily to evoke indignation among a female readership today from a twenty-first century perspective. I'm supposed to get fed up with it, but that also means being fed up with reading the books."

Precisely. I'm very aware of the realities for women in the 19th and 20th century, and it's likely true that a more understanding Daniel would not be as historically viable. But seriously, between the whole "other fiancée" plot line and his endless moralizing about a woman's place, I spend the book wanting to smack him--and Molly, for putting up with him.

However, as the reviewer adds:

"Will this stop me from reading the whole series? Ha! They are fun, even if some are easier to figure out (like this one) than others. I'll be reading my way steadily through the page turners, albeit with breathers. I have no restraint when I have an open box of Thin Mints or Oreos. The Molly Murphy series is kind of the same sweet indulgence."

So true.