A review by twicebaked
Sapphique by Catherine Fisher


Enjoyed it, mostly for the unique world/plot idea, but not so much for the execution. Got way too many questions after reading the last book of the series (tho I do appreciate that she only wrote two instead of nine like a lot of fantasy authors do).

For those of you who've read the book, maybe you can help clear up some confusion for me:
SpoilerIs Jared actually sapphique or is he just a stand in

Is the cube actually Incarceron

How could the sun go out and 1) the weather doesn't drop to crazy cold in 8 min 2) not be a sign that the realm isnt actually the real world but is instead another world like Incarceron, bc how would they be able to do the era stuff like skinwands n stupid stuff like that, bc that's not how the real world works anyway

can ppl actually go from one to the other, and if yes, then why did the feed get cut between Incarceron and outside (like the portal), why did the wardens voice and Jared's voice fade out, if they can go from one to the other and it'll be left open for anyone who wants?

Is Finn actually Giles or no

What even is their plan now since outside has p much fallen apart

Is Caspar gonna be executed or left or what

What happened to the fits that Finn was having??? He thought they would stop once he remembered everything, but they didn't, so then he was troubled and worried, so what's that about?? Why is he still having them then

If jaspers gonna die in less than two years anyway then where does that leave Incarceron, bc one of two options: 1) once hes dead, it's right back to Incarceron and the warden and obv that didn't go anywhere, the warden even says the prison isn't controllable anymore and he has no power over it etc OR 2) if he's not gonna die, why did we even have him constantly thinking ab it or using meds to stop it AND 3) if he can't die when he's sapphique then he lied ab being able to go from world to world and it rly just leaves him stuck in incarceron