A review by omnificer
Retribution Falls by Chris Wooding


Protagonist Breakdown: Ensemble Anti-heroes

Retribution Falls was difficult to start but well worth sticking through.

You aren't given much reason to like the characters at the start. Firefly/Serenity takes time for the characters to become a family but they're mostly likeable at the start. The crew of the Ketty Jay is a bit too dysfunctional at the start. However, wonderfully, they develop significantly over the course of the book and earn their place of appreciation. You begin to see that theme that's also in Cowboy Bebop where this is a new life and a new family, once they get in enough scrapes and save each other enough times.

Maybe the book could have been written in a way to make the beginning a bit less of slog to get through. It certainly seems to try with all sorts of humor. But if the slog was inevitable it was worth it for the relief as the story opens and up and picks up pace.

I'll definitely be reading the sequels in short time.