A review by tallangryplanet
Sounds Fake But Okay: An Asexual and Aromantic Perspective on Love, Relationships, Sex, and Pretty Much Anything Else by Sarah Costello, Kayla Kaszyca


"The idea that there is only one type of meaningful love is a ridiculous notion in and of itself. The idea that there is only one type of acceptable existence is even more so" 

Sounds fake but okay is a book about asexuality, and how by merely recognizing its existence we might change our outlook in a deeply patriarchal and cis/heteronormative world. It deals with love and relationships but also friendship, family, and gender. The authors acknowledge from the very start that they come from a privileged white, cisgender background, which they try to compensate by adding quotes from people on the ace spectrum with different backgrounds. The effect is that of a collection of testimonies connected by a slightly superficial analysis. 

If you're in the community yourself, you might already be familiar with most of the concepts in this book (such as the split attraction model), and the book may feel too basic. However, if you're new to the world of asexuality, aromanticism, and their spectrums, this might be a nice introductory read before delving into more complex works, but it's definitely not the ultimate nuanced read. 

All in all, this was a light, quick read. It wasn't too dense, which makes it great for someone wanting to learn about the ace spectrum. Unfortunately, I was not that public, so the book fell a bit short for me. It was, however, great to see ace voices be given a space, and that alone makes it worth giving a read. 

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read and review this book.