A review by missyjohnson
The Bomber Mafia: A Dream, a Temptation, and the Longest Night of the Second World War by Malcolm Gladwell


Road trip choice. Very well done and interesting story. Gladwell finds what would be considered minor or “throw away “ incidents and show the impact of those decisions and actions to the greater story. I admire the amount of research and attention to small details that the Gladwell stories contain. This story focuses on the Air Force and their contributions to WWII. Particularly actions by Curtis LeMay, chemists at Harvard, and Winston Churchill. Even what seem to be simple day to day decisions that then loom as larger impact decisions. Napalm and carpet bombing, discovery of the air stream, night bombing vs day, precision bombing potential, acquisition of Guam, and the change of commanders in that arena all are major players in this story. Looking forward to Gladwell’s next project