A review by thekingcrusoe
Queen Amid Ashes and Other Stories by Christopher Ruocchio


So. I just did all of Tales 2 in one day. Somehow.

I don't know if it's just the refreshment that I had coming back to Tales 2 after finishing The Lesser Devil last month, and this being SO MUCH CLEANER to proof than TLD&OS was*...but Tales 2 is a lot better than I remembered. I like it a lot better for sure. QAA is also really good, but still one of my least favorite releases of the universe, which is my personal hot take compared to a lot of people adoring the hell out of it.

Either way.

I have individual reviews of both of these, though my rating for Tales Vol. 2 might need updating...hell all of the previous review need updating. But hey, the collection is pretty great. You like Sun Eater? Read it. Excited for TLD, QAA, Tales 1, AND Tales 2, to all have updated with new art and updated text next year.

*For reference, my notes for Ruocchio for TLD&OS is like...300+ edits, where QAA&OS (AND the House Marlowe essay to boot) had less than 150, with probably 50 of those just being for Alistair Marlowe's name having updated spelling (Aleister).

So yeah. That was fun.