A review by wistyallgood
Pretty Fierce by Kieran Scott


Kieran, my queennnnn. This book wasn't my favorite of hers, but who the hell cares? I still really liked it, and was excited to discover it since I had no idea she had written another book! She's so dang prolific, I love it. (Also, side question, does Kate Brian no longer exist, I wonder?)

This book actually reminded me of a few other books combined, but I had no issue with that. I liked that Oliver and Kaia were already a couple at the start of the book-I rarely read books in which it's not about the romantic chase but rather bigger issues in a relationship that already exists, so I liked that.

Oliver was great-I just realized I've never met an Oliver in a book that I haven't liked! He was adorable, but accepted Kaia's whole other life VERY quickly!

I don't vividly remember the ending, but I think Kaia
Spoiler is gonna happily live with her parents, who were alive all along? But her uncle was killed, which was unfortunate. I can't recall Oliver's ending, but I assume they're happy!

Keep em' coming, Kieran Scott!