A review by appo
Extinction Game by Gary Gibson


Three stars feels like a 'wow this was terrible', and it's not - it's a 'wow, this was average'.

Don't get me wrong - post apocalyptica? Travel to alternate earths? I'm all over that shit. The plot moves along at a decent pace, the writing is accessible, the worlds are well built, the disasters are horrifying and fascinating and wonderful and terrible. On the flip side of that, the characterisation of the humans involved is at times shallow, and a lot of the twists can be seen coming several miles off. There's one character in particular who may or may not exist purely as a deus ex machina - though it's at least done in a way that leaves me intrigued rather than annoyed. The ending resolves itself nicely while leaving itself open for sequels, though if there are any I sincerely hope the author doesn't rely too much on recycled character development from this one.

Come for the end of the world, and stay for the end of several others. But don't expect too much from the people.