A review by vikingwolf
Daylighters by Rachel Caine


Claire and her friends have arrived back in Morganville and receive a shock at the town border. The vampires are disabled and taken away by the police, and they are escorted to meet the new power in town-Rhys Fallon of the Daylight Foundation. Humans are taking back the town and facing a vampire free future...which Claire is going to have to destroy to save her vampire friends.

I'll be honest, I didn't much like book 14 which introduced the idea of the Daylighters and their anti-vampire plans, and I really hated the way the last book ended with the shocking welcome home in Morganville. I was somewhat reluctant to even pick up this book, thinking that I wasn't going to like the plot. Thankfully, my fears were unfounded and I found this to be a decent plot and satisfying ending to the series.

Morganville is totally different when the group return home. deserted buildings are being renovated, homes and businesses painted and restored, people out having fun and no longer afraid of the dark. However, the vampires have all been rounded up and put in a deserted shopping mall with shock collars on to keep them subdued, and are half starved. The Daylight Foundation claim to have a cure and vampires are to be subjected to it against their will to remove their threat through cure or death. Claire, Eve and Shane are well aware that if they want to save their vampire friends from this fate, they are going to be destroying the hopes and dreams of a lot of people in the town.

Within hours of going home, Claire becomes aware of just how difficult the situation is going to be. Miranda is tied to the house but has heard that the Founders Houses are going to be destroyed by the new regime. To save Miranda and the house from their enemies, they are going to have to be ready to defend themselves. When the police do a sudden search for illegal weapons, they find a dead cop's body in the basement and arrest Claire...and with Eve and Shane in hiding, who is going to save her?

I don't want to go any further into the plot in this book as it will spoil the entire plot if I do. I liked the idea of the vampire cure and how many vampires had no interest in going back to being human. There was also the terrible situation that Eve and Michael find themselves in with attitudes towards their union hardening, and a dangerous choice awaits them if they want to stay together. My one niggle is that when something dangerous is happening, Claire and Shane seem to have time to kiss and grope each other first, which is somewhat annoying when others need to be saved.

I was happy enough with the ending of the series compared to other favourite series that ended with a whimper. There was a proper conclusion to the story and it was left in such a way that it would be easy to pick up the threads of Morganville in the future. It is kind of sad that the main series is over but I very much enjoyed it while it lasted!