A review by suzysuzy34
Special Forces - Mercenaries Part I by Aleksandr Voinov, Vashtan, Marquesate


Edited review, I wish I had know at the start of mercenaries how this book would have turned out, I feel betrayed and like I've been punched in the guts, I would have never had started mercenaries if I had known how it would have turned out. I still love special forces soldiers and will make up my own happy ending for Dan and Vadim.

DNF at 326 pages and I have decided to not carry on. My reason are.... I absolutely loved the start of the book, Vadim being broken, Dan heading to the golf war, Vadim training to become an sas soldier. I was so happy when they meet for the first time, I knew there would be hatred between the two and tension, but I didn't expect the book to take the turn it has.

Dan character has turned in mad dog, basically becoming a bit of a slut, and I cannot stand him and I absolutely detest Jean, reading the pages about Dan and Jean are making me so fucking angry, yesterday I felt physically sick when I read some spoilers (just had to do that-wouldn't normally), Dan and Vadim aren't working things out, and they go on to have an open relationship, Dan can't let his heart be ruled again. I can understand this, and I cannot deny that this author has good talent, writing amazing characters, good character development, but for me I want good vibes when reading a book, I want to be happy, fall a bit in love with characters, root for them, but what I'm feeling is so much anger towards Dan, he loves Vadim, but can't go back to him, I even understand that, but I really don't want to be reading about his open relationships with other men, it's just not doing anything for me, it's really upset me, as I said made being angry, frustrated, annoyed etc etc..... I wanted Dan and Vadim to sort things out, maybe they get there eventually, but I've got to tell myself that this isn't real it's just made up fiction and I'm moving onto my next read that will hopefully put me in a good place.

Added later to review....If I could talk to Dan this is what I would say........ I'm sorry Vadim left you like he did, but what don't you understand about someone being tortured, identity stripped, no longer Russian, no longer spetznec soldier, he was at rock bottom!! Just can't work my head out around the way mercenaries have gone about this story.... Seriously fucked my mind right over.