A review by paracosm
BEASTARS 12 by Paru Itagaki


The volume’s main purpose is to set things up for the next arc. We meet Yafya properly, he’s basically Batman but as a horse. Can’t wait to see what insanity he does next. There’s also this new sheep character, I don’t remember her name, but she’s mostly there to expose how adult society works in this universe, which is cool.

Oguma shows up again and I’m very happy about that. He barely shows up, but every time he does interesting stuff happens. Not one bad scene with this guy. Now, I want to take a minute to explain things that have happened in these last chapters from his perspective, I think that would be fun. Imagine you are chilling in your house one day, doing whatever businessmen do, and your 18 year old son shows up unannounced. He tells you that he's going to drop out of school to join a cannibalistic yakuza gang, but because he's still a minor he need you to sign a permission form, if you don't he's going to shoot you in the face.

You don't believe he's going to shoot you, but because you are seemingly fine with all of this, you sign a temporary permission form that allows your son to fuck off and commit whatever crime he wants, and then come back to school like nothing happened. Next time you hear about him he has force-fed his foot to a wolf, in order to beat a murderous bear in a completely unnecessary fight. But instead of reacting in any way that would show alarm, he’s just chill about it. Oguma has seen some shit, man. I wish he appeared more often.

This volume is mostly great, but I'm going to give it 4/5 just because Juno and Louis kiss on this one. I really don't like that couple. He's my favorite character and her is the one I dislike the most. Juno is basically the oposite of Oguma, by which you know a scene is going to be boring as soon as she shows up.