A review by pjonsson
Imperfect Sword by Jack Campbell


This book do not really surprise. It is a solid continuation of The lost Stars series continuing the story of Midway's struggles trying to build a somewhat more humane and democratic society than the Syndicate as well as keep their hard fought for independence.

The book is well written in the usual way of Jack Campbell and it is definitely an enjoyable read. The book jumps rather quickly into quite a bit of action with a Syndicate attack on Midway led buy a fanatical Syndicate CEO. I do not think it is too much of a spoiler when I write that Midway's forces manages to drive away the attack. We can hardly have Midway fall right at the beginning of the book can we.

After that the book slows down a bit when it goes into a lot of character interactions, politics and so on which finally evolves into the Ulindi operation. An operation which, not surprisingly, is not going exactly as planned. This of course leads to quite a lot of action which is well done as usual. Both the space action and ground action is quite realistic and good reading.

Overall the book is well done with a thought out story, depth in the characters and enjoyable action. The one thing I have against the book is the constant positioning, manipulation, backstabbing and general atmosphere of mistrust. For me it puts a dampener on the fun of reading it and creates quite a bit of negative feelings. Politics have never been my cup of tea in books. At the same time it is somewhat interesting to follow Iceni and Drakon when they try to adopt themselves as well as Midway to a less dictatorial community.

A good solid book that looses a star for the depressing political atmosphere. The latter a highly personal view of course.