A review by joskypay
Punish by Olivia Ryann, Vivian Wood


Wow! She hooked me in from the first word on this one. This is the second book in the Protect Series. It connects with the Cherish series, though you don't need to read that one to make sense of this one (though I would since its amazing). I was intrigued by Dryas from the first book, what makes him tick, what drives him? Whats with his hatred for his brother? Unfortunately, this book gives few answers and poses ALOT more questions, though my faith is in this author, she gave us answers when we waited patiently last time, she'll do it again. Rue was sweet, trusting, new? I need to get more of a feel for her, but I can see how even cold bitter Dryas would want to save her and protect her. I'm so excited for these two, together they scorch the pages and next month can't get here soon enough as I eagerly await their next chapters!