A review by nikkisbooknook
Promise to Defend by Diana Gardin


Ronin, aka Swagger, is the best when it comes to interrogation. he is still running from his painful past - one where he couldn't save his wife from a tragic end. He cruises through life, not investing in any relationships he may have, with the exception of those with his fellow soldiers. But when he finally gets up close and personal with Olive at Rayne and Jeremy's (book 1) surprise wedding, he is dropped head first into lust, which fast becomes something deeper!

Olive returned from Paris before her contract was up due to the sad death of her employer. But now she is back and her sleazy ex is back to haunt her. But not content with making her life a misery, he is also involved with his mobster uncle! She doesn't accept help from the NES guys easily and she has a real self esteem problem, even tough she has own real-life Ken doll!!! She just can't wrap her head around Ronin wanting her. MJ did such a number on her, she just doubts everyone.

OOOh another keeper! Olive is great as the former larger than average girl, who has her life tightly controlled and under control Ronin, however, makes her lose hold on that control and she's not sure she can survive it. Loved how the strands of the story wove together and the interplay between this buttoned up "good girl" and the fly by the seat of his pants former soldier!