A review by bottomofthebookshelf
The Century's Scribe by Brendan Walsh


Three friends go into a sea of mist and wind up in a city with technology way more advanced than their own. Is it an alternate universe? Is it time travel? Who knows! But when the main character Declan starts falling in love with a charismatic man he meets in this mysterious place, he decides he wants to stay even if that means abandoning his future and his own father. But things aren’t as they seem and the truth soon starts to unravel.

This book started off really promising with great world building and an intriguing plot, but by the time I got to the end I was so confused. I understand leaving some things unresolved in honour of a sequel, but NOTHING was resolved in this book. It felt like they could have been another 100 or so pages to fully wrap things up, and without a proper end this felt like half of a book to me. I was really disappointed, as the plot felt like it was going in an interesting direction before that point.

You might enjoy this book if you don’t mind the first book of a series being only there to set everything up without any actual conflict resolution, but I did not enjoy this one.

*Thank you to Netgalley and Black Rose Writing for giving me this eARC in exchange for an honest review*