A review by thepurplegiraffe
The Lady of Lanaria by Michaela Bush


"Nothing is truly safe, but nothing is truly hopeless either. It is the fallen world that we live in, full of sin and sorrow. You can choose to despair and wallow in it, or you can find the light in the situation you’re in."

This was such a pleasant surprise! I've never read anything from Michaela before, though I've had my eye on her books for awhile now. And since I'm always down for a new Rapunzel retelling, this seemed like the perfect place to start.

Evangeline's story was wonderful, heart-wrenching and soul-filling. With a unique storyline that kept me hooked, and a ridiculously soft romance that I fell in love with, it paid perfect homage to the original fairytale, but wove in a story of God's love and deliverance beautifully.

The evil "mother" was awful, which, in a way, makes her a great villain. I haven't seen many Rapunzel retellings truly deal with the abuse that she suffers at the hands of the witch, but this one explored it, and Evangeline's realization of it, in a great way.

Also I gotta talk about Gabriel because OH man I love him. xD I'm always a sucker for the protective but respectful boy, and he's no exception. The way he cares for Eva is so darn sweet and lovely and I just adore them together. I'd happily read a sequel, even though I don't think there will be one.

Ultimately, I really enjoyed myself while reading, and I'd happily recommend it to anyone who loves Disney's Tangled, soft romances, and girls who learn to stand up for themselves.

Five stars from me!

**I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author. A positive review was not required. All opinions are my own.**