A review by cocoanoka
How to Deceive a Duke by Samara Parish


I received this book as an ARC via Netgalley and the publisher. Thank you for the opportunity to review!

This is the second book in the Rebels with a Cause series. To be honest, I didn't finish the first one because...it was closed door. Sorry! But good news, this one isn't! From what I can see, a lot of Fiona and Edward's backstory is explained in the previous book.

Fiona McTavish is anything but a prim and proper lady She's a scientist, chemist, engineer, and wearer of pants (gasp!), She has a bit of history with Edward Stirling, Duke of Wildeforde, and needs his help to get paroled after she is arrested. The terms of the parole is that she needs to become the charge of Edward while she awaits her trial.

Edward is the prim and proper one in this book. He intends to do his best to live up to his title and live a respectable life. He and Fiona are like oil and water in their personalities. Therein lies the problem. Honestly at the start of this book you have no idea how these two, who are so different from each other, are going to find their HEA. They are both almost too much. But you know they do. There is a lot of angst, miscommunication and differences these two need to figure out. This book has a lot of excitement and social commentary, which I loved. As an aside, I loved the cover. Recommended!