A review by thebookdad
Behemoth by Pete Kahle, H.P. Newquist


Morris is a weird little town off the beaten path with a monstrous secret. It's people are a strange folk that keep to themselves and until recently, protected their community and it's righteous religious beliefs. After a number of visits to this backwards village, Robert Garrahan finds himself transfixed by its inhabitants and their peculiar behaviour. Garrahan's life drastically changes when a man from Morris, Bruce Donahue, escapes the town in hopes of revealing the terrifying truth the townfolk have kept hidden for centuries. Unbelieving, Garrahan seeks to learn more but is taken hostage by the town and it's people. Could everything Bruce have said be true? Ritualistic sacrifices, mythical beasts, and religious leaders who will stop at nothing to fullfill their duty and appease the Behemoth's bloodthirsty appetite.

I really enjoyed this book by H.P. Newquist. The story certainly kept me on my toes. The author penned a mysterious and thrilling story that kept me thinking: Where did the monster come from? what's it's origin? Does it even exist? I had so many unanswered questions but as the story progressed one thing became perfectly clear, there is more to the town of Morris than meets the eye. Once you figure that out, this book goes zero to a hundred and fast. I think what I liked most about this book was the plot structure. Although, there is a few moments that were extremely slow going and maybe even unnecessary. The plot was fast moving and intriguing. I would even go as far to say that it was engaging in that I was motivated to solve the mystery for myself.

BEHEMOTH is a mysterious creature feature of biblical proportions. H.P. Newquist is an author that knows how to write a gripping story that will engage his reader's in an alluring tale of Monsters and mayhem. I think you would be hard-pressed to find a fan of horror fiction that wouldn't be entertained by the Behemoth and the its religious fanatics.

BEHEMOTH by H.P. Newquist
