A review by kelleemoye
Everlost by Neal Shusterman


Where will we go when we die?

In Shusterman's book, if you are a child, it is a middle land called Everlost. Everlost is a shadow of the living world filled with all the "dead" objects of the world (an object must be loved to pass to Everlost, though).

When Nick and Allie awake in this weird land, with a weird boy staring at them, their only thought is to go home; however, this is easier said than done.

This book follows Nick and Allie, both newly dead (Greensoul Afterlights) and Leif, the weird young boy who has lived his entire after life in a forest, on an adventure to reach a resolution to this limbo they are in.

Everlost is very unique and has tremendous characters that are easy to connect to. The book has action, adventure, deceit, betrayal, friendship... just about everything you would want in a book, and it is also anything but predictable.