A review by bent
Worlds of Tomorrow: The Amazing Universe of Science Fiction Art by Forrest J. Ackerman, Brad Linaweaver


The book covers are good, the text is terrible. They would be have been better to have had the book go out with no text rather than the useless, uninformed drivel that's been provided. It reads as if it was written in fifteen minutes by a student trying their first essay. It basically just enumerates the kind of pictures on the covers. The text will reference a book cover that's nowhere to be seen. You have to spend several minutes flipping through pages to find the cover of the book referenced, and there is no credit given to any of the artists. It's an interesting decision on a book about science fiction art not to include artist information, or to do any kind of research to provide insight into the art of science fiction.

Three stars for the cover images ; 0 stars for the text. Ackerman and Brad Linaweaver are a couple of hacks who have no business having their worked published anywhere.