A review by sonofthunder
Are You Ready for the End of Time?: Understanding Future Events from Prophetic Passages of the Bible by J.C. Ryle


A number of sermons or short addresses given by Ryle about the subject of the end times (or the return of Jesus Christ!), I much appreciated this book as a hearty reminder of why we are on this earth and what we ought to be looking forward to. While one's enjoyment and/or appreciation of this book will be at least partially contingent upon one's own eschatological views, I think all those Christians who delight in the idea of Christ one day returning to this world will take at least some encouragement from this book. Of course, I enjoyed even more because I do very much line up with Ryle in my own end-times beliefs. Ryle speaks as one against the current, speaking in opposition to the vast majority of the Puritan and Reformed tradition in holding to a more literal view of many Old Testament prophecies (particularly in terms of the place of Israel in end-times prophecies). Ryle also holds to what most would understand today as being a premillenial understanding of the return of Christ. I greatly appreciated Ryle's teachings, because despite the fact that he holds very distinct views about the return of Christ, he still maintains that we must not be overly dogmatic on such things, but nonetheless hold to that glorious hope that Christ is returning, and returning soon - and shall we not delight in that fact and greatly look forward to it and in that light call all to come to Christ for their salvation? I usually don't like to mark up my books too badly, but I couldn't help myself from dog-earing this book in quite a few different places...and yes, underlines and exclamation points were also added! I felt that a few of the earlier chapters were a bit repetitive, but the later chapters just encouraged my soul and made me long to have a closer relationship with my Lord Jesus Christ. Hope you'll pardon me if quote just a short excerpt (trust me, I could quote a lot more!!): "Hearken, every one into whose hands this address may come, and understand. I give you a plain warning this day. Do not forget it. You may reach heaven without knowing much about the deep things of the Apocalypse, but you will never get there without the saving knowledge of Christ, and a new heart. You must be born again. You must renounce your own righteousness and acknowledge yourself a sinner. You must wash in the fountain of Christ's blood. You must be clothed in the garment of Christ's righteousness. You must take up the cross of Christ and follow Him." Is that not beautiful? Although of course I enjoyed this book because Ryle spoke clearly, strongly and forcefully upon the truths of the end-times (as I understand them), I most enjoyed this book because it encouraged me in my walk with Christ and because it warmed and thrilled my heart so many afternoons as I sat upon my coffeeshop porch in the sunlight and pondered the fact that Christ will indeed one day return and stand upon this earth in glory...and so how ought I to live now as I ponder that I am myself an heir of God?