A review by nika_nix
Final Grade by R.L. Stine


Getting beck to Stine's books is always a great experience for me. Final Grade was no different from his other books - which means it was fun, quick and creepy. I read it in one sitting and it was exactly what I needed in a study break. Premise was interesting, because every single one of his books has a different setting and situations in which characters find themselves are always original and I think that's awesome, since he wrote A LOT of books.

The plot was not really a hit for me as I hoped it would be, but I enjoyed the book anyway. The only thing that really bothered me was the fact that I knew who is the killer halfway through the book. I read that one sentence in the book and I immediately knew who was it. I even marked it i my book and wrote down that I was 99% sure it's that person. Aside from that, I really liked the book. It was fast-paced and crazy, we got some creepy murders, and even creepier characters.

Characters were pretty cliche and unoriginal, but I already got used to that in Stine's books.
Lily was such an annoying character. She frustrated me so much and I really hated her. She is just so stupid! Yeah, maybe she was smart when it came to school and studying, but I life situations, she was just dumb. But I guess none of the stuff would happen in the book if she was actualy clever.
I obviously can't talk about other characters in the book because I would spoil everything for you, but I'm just going to say that the person who is the killer and the 'bad guy' in this book is just so creepy and I can't even find a tiny little reason to like that person. It's all so messed up, and if Lily didn't annoy me so much, I would actually feel sorry for her.

I hate myself for saying this, but I'm not a huge fan of the writing style. I do enjoy Stine's books and all of that, but the style itself is actually pretty cheesy and and very simple. Everything in this book was naive and obvious, but somehow, I always buy it.

To wrap it all up, I just want to say that I'm glad I picked this book up, but I have to admit that younger me enjoyed R. L. Stine a lot more. I guess I'm a bit more mature reader now, but I still like to remember my favourite childhood authors.