A review by raven88
The Vintage and the Gleaning by Jeremy Chambers


What struck me from the beginning of the novel was the sheer 'American-ness' of the novel- it could easily have been set in the wine producing area of California as the atmosphere and more importantly the dialogue was highly reminiscent of the pared down prose that is so prevalent in American fiction of the moment- comparable with Willy Vlautin, Castle Freeman, Cormac McCarthy etc.This was a definite bonus for me and I loved the obtuse and repititive nature of the dialogue.I thought Smithy was a totally believable and empathetic character and I loved the passages in a stream of consciousness style as he mulls over the past and the mistakes he made in his personal relationships and how his childhood impacted so strongly on him. Likewise I thought the surrounding characters well-fleshed out as typical Aussie labourers in a world where men are men and the pub is the centre of their universe... A wonderful debut.