A review by amybraunauthor
Hollywood Dead: A Sandman Slim Novel by Richard Kadrey


Gah, I'd missed this series so much! Number ten in this gritty, dark humoured urban fantasy was packed full of the things I've always loved about it, and other things that I didn't expect, but were definitely welcome!

While the story was packed with conspiracy, action, and betrayal, there was also a surprising amount of heart in it. Though I love nothing more than watching Stark bring the pain to the bad guys (and gals), I was surprised that many of my favourite parts came from Stark's emotional turmoil. Being back from the dead (again) after a year has definitely taken its toll on his relationships and psyche and left him questioning whether or not it was worth being alive again if his loved ones were better off without him. This led to some dark moments, but if you've read all the books by now and aren't used to dark moments... you've clearly been reading a different series.

The many characters were both old and familiar, yet a year definitely changed them all, though Stark went through the most development. I don't know how many more books will be in this series, if any more, but I would love to see more of Stark and his friends. Knowing him, trouble is just around the corner!