A review by musicalmelody21
The Queen's Rising by Rebecca Ross


This book really really surprised me. I seriously wasn't expecting much out of this but it blew me away. I have to say the best part was the family tree at the front. I had so much fun following it and connecting the dots between all the characters. It was such an interesting and enjoyable way to experience a story. I'm not sure if all editions have all the info at the beginning, but I hope so because it definitely enriched the reading experience.

I feel like I would have given this book four or five stars even if I didn't enjoy it as much as I did, just because of the sheer work that must have gone into crafting the world. The world that these characters live in was so incredibly fleshed out and fascinating. Every corner and crevasse was full o detail and beauty. And the writing style perfectly helped bring it to life. I loved it!

Although I was left pretty annoyed when Brienna and Cartier kissed for no reason at the end. I loved the connection they had as a mentor and student and it really looked like we were going to have a refreshing platonic relationship, but nope! I should have known better. Honestly, I thought Brienna and Merei had more chemistry but this is the 16th century so what are you gonna do? This didn't bog the book down though, I still really enjoyed it.