A review by readbydusk
Bone Harvest by James Brogden


4.5 rounded up! A fascinating folk horror with some great characters! I loved the first half of the book showing the deserter coming to terms with the Farrow and their rituals. It’s hedonistic and gory. Animals are sacrificed, and there’s cannibalism too. The writing is unflinching and expressive. I thought Everett is a magnetic main character. It took some time for me to realise that he might not be the hero of the story.

The second half focuses on Dennie and her suspicions. Who knew allotments could cause so much drama! I liked Dennie, she’s dismissed as a “loopy old dear” but she has steel in her bones. She has a Great Dane called Viggo and he's awesome! I did find the second half loses some intensity as it shifts focus to other characters. But I enjoyed the premise of a sinister cult shaking up a quiet rural community. It’s interesting to see ancient beliefs clashing with modernity. One of the best surprises of the year for me!

CW: animal deaths, cannibalism, domestic abuse

Thank you to the publisher for a review copy.

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