A review by rcurless
Una principessa ribelle by Jodi Ellen Malpas


I'm not going to lie, I got into this book A LOT more than I was expecting.

I normally read these 'romance' books as a quick read before bed as they're typically easy to pick up and put down as you wish. However, I was HOOKED!

I'm not going to spoil anything but the plot twist at the end wasn't what I was expecting at all. It threw me completely and I actually gasped in shock at several times. I had an idea that certain plotlines were going to happen and it threw me when I ended up completely wrong. I'm not sure if the hints are there to throw readers off but if they are, I loved it! These plot twists and false drippings of information aren't what I expect from romance books.

The characters are attractive, they make sense the way they work together and the chemistry is as explosive as expected.

Looking forward to the next book of the series and it'll be interesting to see how everything falls around Adeline, Josh and other characters.

On another note, I adore Damon, the secondary characters aren't annoying which I find at times, the conflict is understandable and the need to keep the royal family squeaky clean is convincing and truthful.