A review by xeni
Wicked Enchantment by Anya Bast


I picked up this book due to seeing it on my friends' update feed. Based on the description, it should have been amusing, entertaining, thrilling and riveting! It was none of those things for me.

First off, the whole writing style bothered me. Specifically, the characters were so boring and flat that had they been pumped up with any more artificial life, they would have been cliched to a degree of embarrassment. As things stand now, I could just barely stand to read their responses and interactions (with some paragraph skipping when things got too predictable).

Secondly, yeah, this book was predictable. To the extreme. I hate books like this so much, since it clearly shows that the author didn't bother to insert any new ideas or plot lines at all. And this book was definitely not just borrowed from other books, but rather imitated and slightly altered from other books.

The one good thing I did enjoy were the erotica (sex) scenes. I wasn't expecting them, since I thought that this was a more teenager-level book (easily enough to think, based on the writing level) but they were actually well written. It's a big problem when an author writes a sex scene badly (even more so than any other scene) and these actually flowed and were well written. So, for that, this book managed a 1 star at least.

Otherwise, I hated this book. It was boring and annoying and much too predictable. I'm sure other women will enjoy it (especially those stuck in love-less marriages, and lusting after a half-incubus to whisk them off their proverbial feet) but I'm not reading any more from this author.