A review by redbluemoon
Cinna by Pierre Corneille


Update 13/5/19

Still the same opinion! Love the originality of this tragedy, the roots in Roman History, and the reflection about power!

Update 31/1/19

Still really love this play, even if Cinna and Maxime are such irresponsible characters: they can't accept the choice they made, so they try to blame those who convinced them to act. As for Emilie … I can't really bear her. She would have been a great tragic heroin, completely focused on her honor and her splendid death at the hand of a Tyrant.
Loved the reflexions about power and the way to reach it, mostly in Augustus' monologues!
Something strange: I just read [b:Le Mythe de la virilité|36556750|Le Mythe de la virilité|Olivia Gazalé|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1510125637s/36556750.jpg|58292341] and it seems that this play completely fits in its reflexion about virility, war, need for blood to prove once virility and all!


4.5 stars


J'adore la tragédie, et celle-ci est différente de celles dont le lecteur peut avoir l'habitude, notamment grâce à sa fin ! C'est agréable de ne pas, comme d'habitude, assister à un bain de sang qui peut être évité ! Historique, elle traite de la conspiration contre l'Empereur Auguste par Cinna. Une très bonne pièce !

I love tragedies, and this one is different from the ones the reader used to read, thanks to its ending! It's pleasant not to witness, as usual, a blood bath which could easily be avoided! Historical, the play deals with the conspiracy organised by Cinna against Augustus. A really good play!