A review by hcq
The Last Detective by Peter Lovesey


It was all right; nothing out of the ordinary. The plot wasn't bad, wasn't great; ditto the characters. I like Bath as a setting, because it is a handsome city, but I'm not sure that's enough for me to continue the series. I don't especially care what happens next to the main character, which is not a good sign.

Really, the most memorable thing about this book was a jaw-dropping typo. There were some understandable minor ones, (though getting one of the main character's name wrong is bad), but the amazing one was a chapter header. Yes, there was an error in a single line of display type, on a page: "The Men in White Goats." At first I just thought it was an amusing phrase, but it was less amusing when I realized that it was supposed to read "The Men in White Coats," a particular target of the main character's ire (and one which gets a couple of mentions). Whoops!

And, of course, Lovesey did include what I'm beginning to think is the obligatory British lie about summer actually being hot in England--right out of the gate, too, on p.4. Sigh. Is there some law requiring this, perhaps? Does the UK Tourism Board, or whatever it is, really have that much power?