A review by desiree_mcl
The Secret by Giana Darling


4.5 stars.

Could not put this down.

Giselle left Mexico (and Sinclair), in the middle of the night, didn't tell him goodbye or anything, just left. And when she's back home, guess who stops by and is dating her sister, Elena, and has been for 4 years? Sinclair. Let the awkwardness begin!

I loved that Sinclair couldn't keep his eyes off Giselle and couldn't stop being drawn to her. The club scene,
Spoileryea, Sinclair totally had some guy hit the guy dancing with her.

Elena...I should probably be more on Elena's side in all this, and I was briefly, at times, but I still didn't care that she was being cheated on. Elena is not a nice woman to Giselle and in this book I don't think everything is completely revealed (books 2 and 3 are getting a little meshed in my head because I read them back to back) but Elena is so passive-aggressive and just putting people down or trying to embarrass Giselle and I just didn't give a crap that Sinclair and Giselle were bonding behind her back.

Most of the secondary characters (except Elena and a couple others) I loved to read and want more with them and I'm so glad that Cosmia has a couple books (Enthralled and Enamored)!

And this did end on a bit of a cliffhanger, which made me immediately pick up the last book in the trilogy.

Explanation on some of shelves that I put this in:
Spoiler hero-cheating: he definitely cheats on Elena (his girlfriend) physically and emotionally with Giselle. And I think he had sex Elena when he returned home from Mexico at some point because Elena mentions it but I don't know if they actually were together like that because of various things that happened or were said later but we never see them have sex. It's just mostly implied vaguely. So it may be considered cheating on Giselle because it's clear Sinclair cares about and is deeply passionate about her. I don't see it as cheating because they weren't together but that's up to the individual reader. And bdsm & dom/sub shelf: In this book I'd consider it more on the lighter side of bdsm and dom/sub. The next book in the series does delve more into that and talks/does more with it.