A review by thebritishbibliophile_
For the Love of Whiskey by Melissa Foster


A book that will catch you right in the feels when you least expect it. For The Love of Whiskey is the creme of all that is Melissa Foster - The British Bibliophile

Thank you to Melissa & her assistant, Lisa, for helping me secure an ebook Advanced Readers Copy for me to read and leave an honest review

For The Love of Whiskey is book three in Melissa Foster's The Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Redemption Ranch , following on from our introduction to this series from book one, The Trouble With Whiskey and book two--which I have on my to-read list--Freeing Sully. A prequel read to this third instalment.

By now, you will already be more than familiar with the beasts of bikers that make up the Dark Knights, as well as the mouth-watering Whiskeys. If you're not, I highly recommend catching up with them & their cousins from other branches of the Melissa Foster series tree. The Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Peaceful Harbor, The Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Bayside . Want to start at the beginning? Grab a copy of 'River of Love' from Melissa's Braden's at Peaceful Harbor series. To read the beginnings of the Whiskeys, head on over to Searching For Love in the Braden's & Montgomerys series.

The series kicked off rather impressively with Dare & Billie in The Trouble With Whiskey , now it's time for another Whiskey to step up with that cowboy swagger we love so much. And who better to do that than a Whiskey who himself has the self-same nickname? Hello Cowboy! A natural born protector to all who need it--whether they ask for it or not--he's paired with a woman who comes to Redemption Ranch to not be redeemed for her past, but to recover and discover who she is outside of her former situation. Welcome to Redemption Ranch, Sully.

After leaving the cult that Sully had called 'home' for as long as she could remember, her new--and "temporary"--home is to be Redemption Ranch. Having escaped quite literally from hell on Earth, it would be right in thinking that her trials and difficulties would stay behind where they were most prevalent. Unsurprisingly to Sully and us as readers, that would prove untrue as arriving at and settling in to life on the ranch, Sully has a whole new set of trials and difficulties on her plate while she navigates her new life, her surroundings and who she wants to be. Though, she isn't on her own while doing so. She has her Cowboy as her fierce--and sexy--protector right there quite literally on her doorstep.

Cowboy is the last thing that Sully expected when changing her surroundings. She didn't account for him to be at her side, or for her to feel the way she does, and think the way she thinks about him, after all that she's been though. Even more surprising to Sully, is her open-mindedness and acceptance of the possibility of being willing to love another. There's no doubt in her mind--or to anyone else's--that she's stronger than she gives herself credit for, she's not a weak wallflower, but as someone who has come to expect the unexpected, Cowboy is the anomaly she's glad she didn't see coming. He's all the more special to her for it.

Melissa highlights the struggles and mental/emotional challenges specifically of Sully here, accurately portraying the realistic side to what unfortunately happens in real life to so many across the world. She doesn't gloss over or spin anything other than realistic truth and even though this is told fictionally through Sully and everyone around her, it had my heart fully in my mouth and my chest tight at how raw it was told all while thinking of those battling their own unfortunate circumstances. This novel was powerful!

For a while I will be fully honest and say that this was going to be a solid 4-star read for a while, until the latter chapters came along. I'm not a reader who cries at scenes in books, not even ones written to be intentionally sad/moving etc, but the latter chapters at the end had me SOBBING with both sadness and happiness. They are what truly shifted it right up to a 5-star read, and Melissa should be proud of her stellar writing skills with another knockout read under her belt.

Now if someone can tell me where I can get me someone like Cowboy, I'll be a happy woman. Sully, even though you're fictional, you're a lucky lady.

Five stars!